Jul 13, 2021

Car Noises and What they Mean

Indeed, modern engineering is beneficial to car engines. Not only have they evolved a lot, but they also are easier on the ears. But amid the entire technological boom surrounding today’s cars, there are some things which cannot be evaded.

They fall into the category of car noises. These sounds are often accompanied when you accelerate the car. Learning a little bit about these common noises will not only help detect the problem but also save your car from damage.

In this blog below, we will discuss a few car sounds and what they mean.

  1. Whistling:

Whistling is a noise that often comes from inside the car. If, for some reason, you can hear a whistling sound inside your car while driving, it is mostly because of a problem with weather-stripping. However, if the noise comes from under the hood, then it is an indicator of many problems.

From the radiator’s pressure cap to the engine’s cooling system, there are a lot of places that need immediate assistance.

  1. Ticking:

Ticking noise is usually accompanied by a clicking sound in the engine. This type of noise is because of a leak in the car’s oil tank. Low-level oils in the tank or noisy pistons are an indicator of the ticking sound and shall be immediately mended.

  1. Whirring:

The gigantic engines of the car make a whirring sound when they seek attention from you. These sounds are a source of concern also, as they can indicate a belt problem. Car belts are one of the common parts of cars which also need maintenance.

In addition to gaskets, hoses, and wires, a car’s engine has several rotating belts which work as pulleys. Over time if not paid attention to, these can break, causing serious trouble. Whenever your car makes a whirring sound, the first thing you should do is replace the worn-out belts.

  1. Sputtering:

If anytime your car sputters and continues to be running even after hitting the stop button, then this problem shall not be ignored. The problem here is of dieseling, which is when gasoline inside the car continues to burn.

This problem is mostly seen in older engines, but if you see your car in this state, immediately rush it to a mechanic.