Jun 26, 2023
A new Ford SUV out in the wildnerness.

Name a better duo than epic road trips and summer, we’ll wait! Now that we’re in the heat of June, you may be daydreaming of that week at the beach or that cabin on the lake. Wherever your adventure takes you, it’s essential to ensure that your car is in optimal condition to big trip ahead. Follow these five steps to ensure your new Ford (or whatever you drive) can be as reliable as ever, and visit the Johnson City Ford Service Center for all of your service needs!

  1. Check Fluid Levels: Start by checking the fluid levels in your car. This includes the engine oil, transmission fluid, coolant, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. Low or dirty fluids can affect your vehicle’s performance and lead to mechanical issues. If any fluid levels are low, top them up or consider scheduling a maintenance service to ensure they are at the recommended levels.
  2. Inspect Tires: Your tires play a critical role in ensuring a safe and comfortable ride. Check the tire pressure using a reliable gauge and inflate them to the recommended levels specified in your vehicle’s manual. Also, inspect the tread depth and overall condition of the tires. If the tread is worn or unevenly worn, it may be time to replace them. Don’t forget to check the spare tire as well and ensure it is properly inflated.
  3. Test Lights and Signals: Proper visibility is crucial for safe driving, especially during long trips. Before hitting the road, check that all your vehicle’s lights are functioning correctly, including the headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals. Replace any burnt-out bulbs to ensure you have optimal visibility and that other drivers can see you clearly.
  4. Get a Battery Check: A weak or faulty battery can quickly turn your road trip into a frustrating experience. Have your battery tested to ensure it has enough charge and is in good condition. Extreme temperatures during summer can put additional strain on the battery, so it’s essential to make sure it’s up to the task of starting your vehicle reliably throughout your trip.
  5. Schedule a Maintenance Check: Consider taking your car to a trusted dealership or a qualified mechanic for a comprehensive maintenance check before your road trip. They can inspect crucial components such as brakes, belts, hoses, and the cooling system. They will also perform any necessary maintenance tasks like an oil change, filter replacement, and overall inspection, giving you peace of mind knowing your vehicle is in top shape.

In Conclusion – Schedule Your Service!

Now that you have your guide, go step by step to ensure your car is ready for the big trip. If you need any assistance, schedule service with Johnson City Ford and let our expert technicians get your car adventure-ready. Not only do we have big savings available with our service specials, we also have genuine Ford parts and offer personalized auto service financing options if you’re financially pinched before vacation. Visit Johnson City Ford today and we’ll get you taken care of!