Tips for Cleaning Car Windows Without Streaks

Window Cleaning Tips Johnson City TN

Tips for Cleaning Car Windows Without Streaks

Clean car windows not only improve visibility but also gives your car a classy look. Many people feel cleaning windows is an easy thing to do, but it’s not. Many times using the wrong glass cleaner does more harm than good. Streaks on windows after cleaning is a mystery for many car owners. Here we have shared a few tips that will help you clean your car windows without streaks. 

Reason Behind the Streaks on Windows

The heat and the fast evaporation rate are two culprits of streaks on windows after cleaning. When you clean windows under the sun, the cleaning solution on the windows evaporates and leaves a residue behind which appears as streaks on windows.

You can avoid streaks on windows after cleaning by parking your car in the garage while cleaning the windows. Also, avoid clean car windows when the temperature is hot, especially in the afternoon. Schedule windows cleaning when the climate is cool like evening or early morning. 

Things to Remember

The windows and windshield of your car represent two specific sides- inside and out.  The steps to clean both sides can be identical but the cleaning exterior and interior side of windows have their own set of problems and you need to follow specific strategies to clean the windows without any streaks or smudges.

Cleaning Essentials You Need

  • Glass cleaner recommended for automobiles
  • White vinegar
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Soft, lint-free microfiber rags
  • Surgical towels 
  • Spray bottle 

Note: You should never use household glass cleaners to clean your car windows. Household glass cleaner has strong chemicals that can damage the film applied on the car windows. 

Cleaning the Windows from the Outside

The exterior side of the window is exposed to the weather and elements. Hence the exterior side of windows is dirtier and might also have water spots. You can spray the glass generally on the windows and then wipe the windows clean with a microfiber cloth. You can also wash the glass cleaning solution with water and then wipe the windows dry with a microfiber rag.

Cleaning the Windows from the Inside 

The interior side of the window has a window tint film. Exterior parts like plastics, vinyl and rubber that causes a buildup on the window tint film. You should not directly spray glass cleaner or any other cleaning solution directly on the windows. Auto experts recommend preparing a solution of mixing ingredients like glass cleaner, isopropyl alcohol and distilled water.

The Cleaning Solution 

  • 50% water, 50% alcohol and a capful of white vinegar


  • 70% water, 15% window cleaner and 15% alcohol

You should not use household glass cleaner in the solution. Use an auto-specific glass cleaner. Prepare the solution and pour it in a spray bottle.

Method to Follow 

  • Wipe the windows from top to bottom with a microfiber cloth.
  • Spray some cleaning solution on the microfiber cloth and start wiping from the top and then go towards the bottom. Wipe the windows in a circular motion.
  • Wipe the windows dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Don’t resign your cleaning results to fate. Follow these easy tips and you will get sparkling clean, streak-free windows.