What Not to Use to Spring Clean Your Car

Spring Cleaning Tips Johnson City TN

What Not to Use to Spring Clean Your Car

Winters are messy and you will find your car covered with dirt and road salt that can lead to rust and corrosion. With the arrival of spring, car cleaning is one of the best ways you can show your car some love. If you plan to wash your car at home, you need to stay away from common mistakes made during spring car cleaning. Here is the list of things not to do or use while cleaning your car.

Don’t Follow the One-Bucket Wash Method

Many people use a single bucket while cleaning their car. They take a single bucket, fill it with soap and water, and use the same washcloth and water to wash both the tires and the car body. When they do this, they end up washing the car with tiny metal particles from washing the wheels. The result is the dirt particles mulling and scratching the paint surface. According to experts, for better cleaning results, it is absolutely essential to use two buckets when spring cleaning your car. You should use one bucket of soapy water for the wheels and another for the car body.

Don’t Use Steel Wire Brush to Clean Tires

It is okay to use a hard brush to get rid of dirt from your tires. However, using a steel wire brush to clean tires can be harmful, as the steel wire brush can penetrate the rubber tire and cause leakages.

Don’t Use Household Cleaners

You should never use household cleaners like washing powder, dishwasher soap, or any other household cleaner while spring cleaning your car. Household cleaners have powerful chemicals that will not only strip dirt, grime, and oil from car’s surface but will also strip the wax that protects the car’s paint. For spring cleaning your car, you should use pH-balanced car cleaners that are gentle on the car’s paint but also remove dirt and grime from the car’s surface.

Don’t Use Ammonia Based Cleaners to Clean Windshield

You should not use a glass cleaning solution on the windshield as they have ammonia. Using ammonia-based cleaners to clean windshield leaves streaks on the windshield that appear after some time. This can affect the vision and clarity of your road view. Ammonia also has a disastrous effect on rubber and it can affect the grip of the rubber on the glass. If you use an ammonia-based cleaner on tinted glass, the cleaning solution can cause peeling and scratch the tint layer, ruining its effect.

Don’t Use Rags and Old T-Shirts

You should avoid using old T-shirts and rags to dry your car. The reason is that the dirt particles trapped in the fibers of old clothes will cause minor scratches on the car’s surface.

Spring car cleaning is something that you cannot ignore if you want to keep your car looking good. Now that you know what things not to do and use, you can go ahead and clean your car without worry of damaging it in the cleaning process.